Talos on ARM64 Single Board Computers

It has been almost two years since Talos was first announced to the world. ARM support was almost immediately a feature request. At the time the project had major features missing that needed to be implemented before we could even think about Talos on ARM. Only after forming a company, hiring a kick ass team, and pouring a tremendous amount of time and love into Talos have we finally been able to achieve this.

The Talos team is proud to announce support for four ARM single board computers (SBCs) in our latest alpha release:

  • Raspberry Pi 4 Model B
  • Pine64 Rock64
  • Banana Pi M64
  • Libre Computer ALL-H3-CC H5 (Tritium)

For those not familiar with Talos, it is an ultra minimal OS with an API instead of ssh+shell built for the purpose of running Kubernetes with security as a priority. The image is immutable, the runtime is ephemeral, and the configuration is declarative. For more on what all of this means, see our documentation at https://www.talos.dev/. We think you will love it.

Landing support for SBCs signifies a huge milestone for Talos. You can now run Talos nearly anywhere you can imagine. The same Talos is able to run in the cloud, on-premise, and now at the edge. This means you get a resource efficient, secure, and reliable OS running the same vanilla Kubernetes that you run in production datacenters – wherever you might need it. And update: tests show that running vanilla Kubernetes on Raspberry Pi on Talos is practically as efficient as using K3s.

We are looking to add support for more boards. Please, let us know what boards you might be interested in by creating an issue in the GitHub repo.


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