
Learning Resources

Got questions? You’re in the right place.

Looking to learn more about Talos Linux, Sidero Metal or our other software?

You can always reach out to us (we won’t bite – or even try to sell you!)

Or download a datasheet, and find helpful documentation and videos here!


  • For Talos Linux, the secure, immutable open source operating system for Kubernetes, offering complete control without complexity.
  • For Sidero Metal, to turn bare metal servers into your own private cloud.
  • For Omni, the SaaS that makes bare metal and edge deployments painless.


Sidero Labs company overview

Sidero Labs overview presentation.

One page datasheet

A brief summary of Sidero Labs offerings.

Sidero compared to OpenShift

A comparison of two leading Kubernetes platforms: is the Sidero suite an OpenShift alternative?

Kickstart your Kubernetes journey

Information about the affordable professional services offering to get a production Kubernetes cluster running on your infrastructure.

Helpful Videos

Hybrid Clusters with KubeSpan and Talos Linux

3 Videos


Questions? Need help? Send us a message! We’d love to talk about your Kubernetes project and how Sidero might be able to help you. You can also email us at or find us on Slack

TalosCon 2024

Our free, IN PERSON user conference, September 18, LONDON, UK.

Featuring Talos and Kubernetes talks from Sidero Labs and companies including