Kubernetes on Equinix Metal – painlessly!

Talos Linux was recently added as a supported operating system on Equinix Metal. We’ve had support for Equinix Metal for a while, as we love the people and the product there, and have used them to run our build and CI system going back to when they were Packet. But being an official “click to […]

What’s The Difference Between Kubernetes And Docker?

If cloud-native technologies and containers are on your radar, you’ve probably encountered Docker and Kubernetes. Both of them are commonly mentioned when it comes to running containers, so this might lead you to wonder how Kubernetes and Docker are different. Read on to find out! What Is a Container? In my last job, I worked […]

Workload identity for Kubernetes on GCP

What is workload identity? Applications that run on Kubernetes often need to access other services – and if you are running on Google’s cloud, it is likely they will have to access some Google Cloud Services (databases, or storage, or AI services, because everything is AI now!) This brings up the issue of how a […]

Is Vanilla Kubernetes Really Too Heavy For The Raspberry Pi?

It’s been bothering me for over a week now. For no good reason, I had a shower thought a couple of weekends back about Kubernetes on the Raspberry Pi. Everywhere I turn in the community, it seems like folks are saying how inefficient Kubernetes is on the Pi and that using something like K3s is […]

To self hosted and back again

One of the goals of Sidero, as a company, is to help make secure installation and operation of Kubernetes easy (or at least simpler). When we first started Talos OS, we were good citizens of the Kubernetes world: we used kubeadm for cluster installation. The idea of a common tool for all Kubernetes installations sounds […]