Deploy with confidence

Avoid cloud lock in

Kubernetes that lives up to its promise.

Inherent Control. Infinite Adaptability.

The Problem: Cloud lock in

Enterprises often try to standardize on one cloud, but due to acquisitions, data sovereignty rules, or latency requirements, find themselves supporting Kubernetes on multiple clouds, plus their own data centers.

Each public cloud has unique features to deploy and manage Kubernetes, and running Kubernetes on bare metal or on hypervisors like VMware is different again – increasing the difficulty of managing workloads across multiple clouds.

This thwarts Kubernetes’ promise of portability, leading to:

  • applications being locked in to specific clouds
  • disaster recovery plans specific to each cloud, and being unable to rely on other clouds for increased availability
  • engineers having to learn the specifics of storage, upgrades, which control plane capabilities can be enabled, etc for each cloud provider 

The solution: Kubernetes that can be deployed anywhere

The Sidero platform runs on all major cloud providers, bare metal, hypervisors – even within containers. 

On every platform, it delivers consistency: 

  • the same API managed OS
  • the same vanilla upstream Kubernetes
  • the same management
  • the same reliability
This gives you
  • Kubernetes that runs the same on all clouds and bare metal
  • Simplified operations and training for your staff
  • Unified UI for all environments
  • Developer to production workflow is simple and reliable
  • Migrations between clouds are simple
  • Vendor lock in is a thing of the past
  • Management is unified and scalable.

The promise of Kubernetes – realised.

Interested in learning more?
Start a deployment and try for yourself

The Sidero platform is open source. Use it for free.

For production deployments, Enterprise support contracts are available. 

Start a POC by yourself, or in conjunction with our helpful engineers.

TalosCon 2024

Our free, IN PERSON user conference, September 18, LONDON, UK.

Featuring Talos and Kubernetes talks from Sidero Labs and companies including